Unordered unless otherwise stated, with multiple calls matching a given expectation allowed unless specifically constrained via Repeat. So when you setup a mock, you use the syntax .Expect() instead of .Stub(). Then, in your asserts, you can do .VerifyAllExpectations() on your mock to ensure reality matched your expectations. Calling the instance methods will return mocks in record mode. As for « the distinction between a mock and a stub », I too believe it is important, but I have also found that across the three teams I’ve used Rhino.Mocks with, no one has really _understood_that difference anyway.

rhino mocks stub

The goal of the analyzer is to rewrite the original method with NSubstitute, while keeping the new behavior as close as possible to the original one. Not all operations may be converted directly, there is no one-to-one mapping between the two libraries. The GitHub home of the test Analyzer details on the supported features. For nameProviderMock the IgnoreArguments has been converted to ReturnsForAnyArgs, and substitution of the property looks also simpler with the NSubstitute syntax.

Ignoring Arguments

I would stay that Stubs should not allow for expectations at all. In fact, if possible, you might even remove the various expectation-style syntax from the fluent interface for the .Stub() extension method. According to Fowler’s « Marks aren’t stubs » article, Mocks are expectations, Stubs are just containers for returning dummy data and receiving data from the test. The stubs would attempt to provide a reasonable response to all calls, throwing only when a call specifically violates one of their expectations.

Its only seems to work if I initialize and populate the list then pass it to the mock stub method. I was a assuming I could used the Mock Stub method to populate a list then return that populated list. You can provide very detailed conditions for when to use your return values by defining per-parameter constraints. For example, here I’ve said the input must be greater than 0.

I think that those of us familiar with mocks, those of us who have read articles and positions on the different types, etc. might need to remind ourselves that we are in the vast minority. The only thing my current team has really grasped without significant effort and confusion is the difference between calling .Stub or .Expect on an instance. For this kind of audience, having GenerateMock and GenerateStub doesn’t seem to add clarity, in fact it seems to reduce it, as strange as that may seem to us more experienced mockers. I was always a bit confused with the mock expectations kinda belonging to two stages.

There are a couple of popular mocking libraries as of today, such as Moq or NSubstitute among many others. NSubstitute provides a convenient way to configure our mocks, hence it has been chosen for the analyzer conversion. In the simplest form we might not care what values the parameters take and can simply state that they can be anything. Alternatively, you could call .VerifyAll() on the mock and it would verify all expectations regardless of them being marked « Verifiable » or not.

The simplest explanation of when to stub is when a resource such as a database or web service is encountered; something which is expensive to consume when unit testing. The following simple example mocks an interface called method called Do() on interface ISimpleModel which takes no parameters and when called returns 1 as an integer. MockRepository css Match all elements having class name starting with a specific string is used to create a fake or stubbed instance of ISimpleModel, it is upon this that we are required to call our functions. If we were stubbing a class and not an interface then one thing to note is that you would not get any functionality of the class. You can not mix and match functionality of the class and stubbed functions.


I’m sharing a small checklist that might help you when you start working with Rhino mocks. In this article we’ll see the difference between usage of a MockRepository object initialization vs using Static functions to create and set up the mock/stubs. In the initial version of Rhino mocks it was the object that was being used but once the DynamicMock and Strick mocks become popular, a new static function was being introduced in it’s release 3.5.

  • But if I wanted to add an assert to test that the password actually changed…
  • If you want, you can define a delegate and just call the delegate.
  • MockRepository is used to create a fake or stubbed instance of ISimpleModel, it is upon this that we are required to call our functions.
  • However mocking frameworks can allow you to completely isolate a SUT during testing.

Note how you use Expect…Returns to stub return values, but just by appending .Verifiable() at the end of it, you can make it behave like a « true » mock which responds to .Verify() . Calling the static methods from MockRepository will return mocks in replay mode. I have a BLL object that I want to test, but it relies on a DAL object to fetch/update, etc records from the database. I want to test my BLL object in isolation from the DAL object, so I mock the DAL interface. There are occasionally times when I want to stub a call to return different values at different times in my test.

2. Dynamically creating a fake object

If I want the equivalent of a strict mock, I would probably want to test that nothing but stubbed methods were called (mock.AssertNothingButStubsCalled()) or something like that. But if I wanted to add an assert to test that the password actually changed… Sometimes I extract to method, but then juggling all these methods in a class seems painfull. The stubs, attempting to respond reasonably to every call, with the ability to stub behaviour when called with specific inputs, always unordered, and with no support for expectations.

rhino mocks stub

Below are a few examples The following example shows how to ensure that a function when it does not matter what parameters are used. AssertWasNotCalled works exactly the same as AssertWasCalled however it throws an exception and fails the unit test if the method with argument constraints was called. It is possible to set up the stubbing for x number of repetition; thus we can return different results dependant upon the call iteration. What might be nicest of all would be if there was one and only one call, perhaps something ala (Generate)Double(). Creating the differentiation at the object level only confuses the issue.

A stub’s properties will automatically behave like normal properties, and you can’t set expectations on them. If you want to verify the behavior of the code under test, you will use a mock with the appropriate expectation, and verify that. If you want just to pass a value that may need to act in a certain way, but isn’t the focus of this test, you will use a stub. Mocking allows us to fake the components in our system which can not be unit tested. This might be because the resource is expensive to unit test such as a database or is outside of our domain such as a web service.

Is constants provide predicates for literal and reference types. The following is a quick run through of the Is argument constraints. It is written by Ayende Rahien, the same guy that created nHibernate.

Assert Was Not Called

I would like it if a stub corresponded to the behavior of a « loose » mock in Moq. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. When you have a dependency that your system under test uses, you may want to ensure that it is called with a value in an expected state. The following example is looking up aFooand we’re going to ensure that we’re calling theFooRepositorywith the Foo’sNameproperty. Rhino Mocks will generate fake objects to replace the dependencies that you have, and then allow you to tell them, at runtime, how to behave. This functionality is very powerful, and it means that you can tell your fake objects, for each test, how to behave.

The method parameters, if you provide any, will be passed to the object’s constructor. Unfortunately you need to set a dummy return value first, but you can then override that using WhenCalled. This makes it easy to change the stubbed value by changing the variable.

A Note About Rhino Mocks Constraints

Analyzers can be also shared as nuget packages, so distribution is easy, and Visual Studio provides the user interface for the developers. This post is introducing a C# Analyzer which helps to move away from Rhino Mocks. The analyzer helps to convert Rhino Mocks to substitutes of NSubstitute.

We can either place expectation calls on the mock prior to the unit test act or we can make assertions of function calls during the assert. Constrained arguments allow us to return different data based upon the method parameter values which it is called upon. If multiple stubs are matched then the first registered stub instance is used to determine the return value. A co-worker presented me with a scenario where assigning and accessing a property from a Rhino Mocks stub worked as expected, but changing the stub to a dynamic mock caused the test to fail. This code will set up the first call to myObject.DoSomething() so that it returns someValue. All calls after that will return the default value for the return type from the method.

Chapter 5 Isolation mock object frameworks The Art of Unit Testing

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